
Epub viewer
Epub viewer

  • npm run http (to launch an http server.
  • some additional HTTP requests to the GitHub API in order to check for upstream library updates (wherever Readium uses a forked codebase).
  • npm update (to make sure that the dependency tree is up to date).
  • note that the -production option can be used to avoid downloading development dependencies, for example when testing only the pre-built build-output folder contents)
  • npm install (to download dependencies defined in package.json.
  • epub viewer

    Note that the above command executes the following: Should this be the case, running sudo npm run prepare:all usually solves this. Note that in some cases, administrator rights may be needed in order to install dependencies, because of NPM-related file access permissions (the console log would clearly show the error).

    epub viewer

  • OR: yarn run prepare:yarn:all (to use Yarn instead of NPM for node_module management).
  • npm run prepare:all (to perform required preliminary tasks, like patching code before building).
  • (repeat for each repository / submodule) Source tree preparation
  • git checkout `git for-each-ref -format="%(refname:short) %(objectname)" 'refs/heads/' | grep $(git rev-parse HEAD) | cut -d " " -f 1` to ensure that Git checks-out actual branch names (as by default Git initializes submodules to match their registered Git SHA1 commit, but in detached HEAD state).
  • epub viewer

    registerEvent ( "onEpubLoadSuccess", function ( ) $remote done to ensure that all Git 'origin' remotes are tracked by local branches. Register the reader events and get reader controller object ( note that these are just callbacks you can't treat them as events though ) var exControls = TreineticEpubReader.

    Epub viewer